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Mental Health Support in disaster and Extremely Stressful Situation. Prevention, Support and Treatment of Stress-related Disasters

Mental Health Support in disaster and Extremely Stressful Situation. Prevention, Support and Treatment of Stress-related Disasters


石川県能登地方で発生した地震により被災された皆様に、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 被災された皆様の回復を心からお祈りしております。
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those who have been severely affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.



National Information Center of Stress and Disaster Mental Health

We want to provide support so that we can reach out to you when you need us.

Regarding the impact of the disaster on survivors’ health, it is our hope that the inner strength of individuals will pull them through; at the same time, we must consider how we can walk along the pathway to recovery with them in a supportive way.
In the acute phase, there is quite a wide range of individual differences in psychological symptoms, and the process of recovery varies from person to person. Our intention is to offer support to survivors during this process, and to extend a helping hand as needed.
Our role as the National Information Center of Disaster Mental Health is to provide appropriate information on related issues, and to establish a firm base of disaster relief, where relief workers and medical staff are able to provide assistance while taking the feelings of survivors into full consideration.

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